You Are Not Alone In This: New Zealand’s Shocking Youth Suicide Rate

New Zealand’s suicide rates are the highest they’ve been since records began (records began in 2007/8). The youth rate is exceptionally shocking and is the worst of the developed world.

To all the youth questioning their place in this world,

You are valid. You do not take up too much space and you are not a burden to those around you.

Believe me when I tell you that what seems so important and crucial as a teenager/youth won’t be so important. The years spent trying to figure out who you are, are not supposed to be filled with life damning decisions – and we as a society need to erase that pressure for you. But I also want you to know that it gets easier. I know you’re tired of hearing that, I really do. But it’s said so often because it’s true.

But that doesn’t change the pain and weight these things bare as you experience them. And when you’re down at the bottom of that darkened well it’s not so easy to keep telling yourself “when you’re older” – that seems lifetimes away. While there’s lots of things society as a whole needs to do to help ease the burden of mental illness, you have to know that you are not alone. Does anyone know exactly how you’re feeling and has experienced the exact emotions you have? No. But that doesn’t mean you have to walk the road alone as you go through those emotions and experiences. There are people who want to help and lend their hand to guide you through to the end and help you to make it through to be on the other side telling youth that it gets better. Take advantage of these people who want to help you. Ring them up, email them if you’re scared to ring, send a text to the mobile devices. Talk to your GP about how you’re feeling. None of what you are experiencing is something to be ashamed of. Today’s society is hard, and high school/uni is brutal. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to say “you know what, maybe she won’t be a’ight”.

Ask for help, don’t be ashamed for feeling.

24/7 Helplines (free):

0800 LIFELINE (0800 543 354)

txt HELP to 4357

0508 TAUTOKO (0508 828 865)

0800 KIDSLINE (0800 54 37 54) – up to 18y

“Kidsline is available 24/7 however when kids ring between 4pm – 9pm Monday – Friday they will speak to a Kidsline Buddy – a specially trained teenage telephone counsellor.”


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